Zerbst Buckle and Chape

$5.00$15.00 single piece or set

A buckle and chape which are unusual for a number of reasons. First, they date from about 1300, which is earlier than pretty much anything else we offer. Second, they are based, not on an original buckle and chape, but on the extant mold that would produce them. This mold, along with ten others, was found in the recent (last 15 years) excavations in Zerbst, Germany.

Fits a 9/16 inch or 15 mm wide strap.

Product details: Berger, Daniel. “Frühe Belege mittelalterlicher Zinngiesser in Zerbst, Lkr. Anhalt-Bitterfeld.” Archäologie in Sachsen-Anhalt, vol. 7 (2014), P.130; Table 4; Mold 5 (front of buckle on one side; back of chape on the other. Matching mold halves not preserved.)
Dimensions (H x W):
2 5/16 x 1 1/16; 1 5/8 x 9/16 inches
58 x 27; 42 x 15 mm

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Additional information

Weight 1 oz
Dimensions 15 in

Buckle only, Chape only, Matching pair

Belt Size

15 mm