Tau Cross of St. Anthony the Great Badge


This tau cross badge was copied from a mold discovered in the Danish town of Præstø, dated around 1500.  The text on the badge says “STI ANTHONII DE PRESTO”  and the medieval examples must have been distributed from a shrine in that town. The tau cross was associated with St. Anthony and is often included in depictions of him on his garments or topping his staff.

St. Anthony was famous for miraculous healing. He was and still is invoked against infectious disease, especially skin diseases.  He is the patron saint of animals, swineherds, butchers, and cemeteries. His feast day is 17 January.

Product details: Berger, Daniel.Steingussformen aus dem Spätromanischen-Frühgotischen Magdeburg. 2006. P. 27, Abbildung 5-13. and HØjmark SØvsØ, M. The Sacred Profane: Distribution, Production, Use and Meaning of Objects Associated With Pilgrimage From Present-Day Denmark. Medieval Archaeology. 67(2), 2023. P. 407.
Dimensions (H x W):
1 1/2 x 1 1/2 inches
38 x 38 mm

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Weight 0.5 oz
Pennsic debut


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