Mixed Grill Pendant


The Netherlandish naughty goods reveal a disturbing medieval predilection for imagining the penis as the focus of culinary activity (see Family Barbecue or Wienie Roast). This excellent example of a grilled main dish is no exception. Copied after an original dated 1450-1500.

We have another, family friendly, gridiron among the toy miniatures.

Product details: van Beuningen, H. J. E. Heilig en Profaan 3. Langbroek: Stichting Middeleeuwse Religieuze en Profane Insignes, 2012. No. 2992.
Dimensions (H x W):
1 15/16 x 15/16 inches
50 x 24 mm

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penis dick cock genitalia scrotum balls bollocks ballocks weenie weinie weiner

gridiron    grid iron

erotic erotica smut dirty curiosa naughty goods

Additional information

Weight 0.5 oz
Pennsic debut


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