Kolts (Kolty) with Griffins


These handsome kolts with griffins are hollow, slush cast, and made of tin. Our mold is copied after one found in 1939 in Kyiv in a passage below the Tithe Church. The excavated mold is believed to be from the late 12th or early 13th century. The form of the ornament is similar to the better known contemporary kolty wrought in precious metal. The creation of molds to mass produce the jewelry makes it clear that women who could not afford gold and silver were also wearing these decorative pendants.

Sold by the pair.

We supply these kolts with the hoops riveted into one loop and fixed into the other by a split pin which we have put loosely in place. To open the hoops, squeeze the pin and slip it out. To close the hoops, slip the pin back in; press the two split halves of the pin apart and flat; clip off the excess length if you are wearing it against something it might catch on. The pin can always be removed with care; we send you two extra split pins, for future use.

*Can they be worn as earrings? The hoops are made of pewter (tin, antimony, copper) and have loops at the end that are ¼”/6mm across. The kolts weigh ~.8 oz/20gr each. We would say no, but you should take every reasonable precaution if you disagree.

Product details: The easiest way to see a good photo of the mold is in Evans, Helen C. Glory of Byzantium: Arts and Culture of the Middle Byzantine Era, A.D. 843-1261. Metropolitan Museum of Art, 2000. No. 215 ; P. 315. Exhibition catalog online at https://www.metmuseum.org/art/metpublications/The_Glory_of_Byzantium_Art_and_Culture_of_the_Middle_Byzantine_Era_AD_843_1261. Enjoy the book, but bear in mind that the description of the technology of casting of this mold is wrong. Original publication is: Karger M.K. Tainik pod razvalinami Desiatinnoi tcerkvi v Kieve. Kratkie soobshcheniia Instituta istorii materialnoi kultury. 1941, no. 10, pp. 75-85. I have not seen this article and cannot say whether there is an image of the mold. Please let me know if you find and can read it.
Dimensions (H x W):
2 1/16 x 1 1/2 inches
53 x 39 mm

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kolt kolty kolti russia russian slavic “temple pendant” “temple ornament” “temple ring”

gryphon griffin


kiev kyiv ukraine ukrainian

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Pennsic debut


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