Heart-Shaped Ring Brooch with Stones


The sweetest thing you’ve ever seen! Besides being authentic and beautiful, this is another good choice for a gift to a non-re-enacting friend or family member; I collect compliments from utter strangers by wearing it to hold my scarf closed on my way to work.

Copied after a brooch found in the remains of a house during the excavation of the Willemspoortunnel in Rotterdam. The context dates it closely to 1275-1325. The original has illegible pseudo-text; we have supplied the legible inscription “Amor Vincit Omnia” – “Love conquers all.”

Product details: van Beuningen, H. J. E., A. M. Koldeweij, and D. Kicken. Heilig en Profaan 2. Cothen: Stichting Middeleeuwse Religieuze en Profane Insignes, 2001. No. 2145. Inscription adapted.
Dimensions (H x W):
2 x 1 1/4 inches
50 x 33 mm

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Additional information

Weight .5 oz
Dimensions 52 in

Red, Blue, Yellow, Green, Light Green, Purple, White

Pennsic debut


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