The year of the folding spoon: Mac’s ingenuity knows no bounds! The Regina Terris – most sacrilegious of our naughty items, two new buttons, two 3-dimensional items related to Canterbury pilgrimage (that Reliquary Ampulla is so good!), our first veil pin, and three useful and nice-looking buckle and chape suites (as well as the addition of the Small Chape with an Open Quatrefoil to match the earlier Shoe Buckle).
St. Nicholas and “Krampus”$10.00
Pearled Eyelet$0.75
Quatrefoil Veil Pin$5.00 – $20.00
Regina Terris Brooch$6.00
Our Lady of Rocamadour Badge$5.00
Medium Button with Flower$10.00
Doublet Button$13.00
Braies Brooch$5.00
Folding Spoon$35.00
St. Thomas Bell$12.00
Small Ring with a Flower$6.00
AMOVRS Brooch$5.00
Reliquary Ampulla$13.00
Square Shoe Buckle / Small Square Chape$2.00 – $5.00
Shoe or Garter Buckle / Small Chape with Open Quatrefoil$3.50 – $7.50
Floral Socketed Buckle and Small Chape with Loop$5.00 – $13.00
Purse Buckle / Earl of Warwick Chape$3.00 – $13.00
Introduced in 2003 ………………………………………… Introduced in 2001