We will be glad to make a belt for you.
We usually charge the price of the pewter components plus $20 – $50 for leather and our labor. Prices vary by length and number of studs. We will be glad to quote a price – just supply the information below.
We need the following information to make your belt.
Don’t give up, guys. Working through this information usually takes about ten minutes in person, in addition to any time you’ve spent deciding what pewter bits you want to use. We’re glad to answer any questions you have about this process and to work with you through e-mail to get this information so the belt can be made correctly the first time.
For belts that buckle (please go to the next paragraph for demicients):
- Color of leather. Our stock varies. We can almost always supply black, brown, and burgundy. Please inquire for other colors. We will be glad to use leather you supply (if the leather is suitable), with a discount in price.
- Buckle and strap end.
- Studs, their spacing, and any patterns or alternation of studs.
- Eyelets.
- Whether you would like a purse hanger. If so, how far from the buckle you would like it set.
- Which hand you hold the buckle in when you put a belt on.
- Distance around you at the place where you intend to wear the belt. (Use a tape measure. If possible, measure over the clothing you expect to wear the belt with.) We routinely set two additional eyelets to either side of this point to allow for tighter or looser buckling. Please let us know if you need some other arrangement.
- Amount of belt you would like to hang down from the buckle. Note that our working assumption is that you will loop the end of the belt up around the belt itself in a sort of a loose knot, then let it fall back down towards the ground. We usually calculate 6inches of belt taken up in this knot. We need to know how much more belt you need – the amount that will actually hang down.
For demicients:
- Color of leather. Our stock varies. We can almost always supply black, brown, and burgundy. Please inquire for other colors. We will be glad to use leather you supply (if the leather is suitable), with a discount in price.
- Demicient fittings.
- Studs, their spacing, and any patterns or alternation of studs.
- Chain you prefer.
- Measurement: To measure, please use a measuring tape. Wrap the tape around you at the place you think the demicient looks good, and let it hang into a soft V like you see in the Decameron manuscript illustration below, left. Record the number at the place where the end of the tape touches, as our friend Shelley is demonstrating in the other image. Let us know the exact number. We will figure out how much of that space the fittings take up. If you are uneasy at all, please send a snapshot of yourself doing this, so we can see how the belt is draping.

We look forward to making a belt for you!