Sometimes people have a little trouble figuring out our folding spoon when they first pick it up, so we thought a short demonstration might be in order.

When the spoon is open, the hinge that lets it fold is covered and enclosed by the little beast head.

If you want to fold the spoon, pull the head back away from the bowl.

When the hinge is uncovered, you can fold the spoon into its compact form.

The inside of the beast head is a specific shape that fits tightly over the hinge when it is in the right position.

When you want to open the spoon again, unfold it. Then check to see if the beast head is aligned correctly. In the photo above, it is not.

Turn the beast head so the eyes are up – your little buddy wants to look into the bowl of the spoon to see what you are eating!

Slide him forward onto the hinge. You’re ready to go!