

These are copied after two original pewter knucklebones in our collection (which you can see in the gallery). The person who sold them to us kindly (?) included an actual, excavated, sheep knucklebone as well.

Your knucklebones come in a set of five, in a bag, with instructions for playing two separate games. One is a game of dexterity, rather like jacks, suitable for children or others who wish to exert themselves physically, rather than intellectually. The other is a game of chance and a gambling game, and the knucklebones are used like dice. I understand this game has led to fights in the camps of the hot-headed. Perfect to amuse all members of the family!

Read our blog post about the rules for the two games!

Product details: Copied after original medieval pewter/lead knucklebones in our collection.
Dimensions (H x W):
3/4 x 1/2 inches
20 x 12 mm

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talusĀ  tali dice gambling jacks game

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Pennsic debut